Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Differences Between The Vermont And U.s. Constitutions

Final Reflection Paper Emily Ballou Over the course of this class, we have read, investigated, discussed, and learned the similarities and differences between the Vermont and U.S. Constitutions. Although quite similar in diction and viewpoints, there are tiny discrepancies between the two, more often than not being one single word or phrase. These small points may seem insignificant, but in actuality, they make things much more complex. I believe that if more citizens were educated about these differences and how the government and police sometimes use their naivety against them, or at least a little more aware overall, then we as a whole would not make so many hasty generalizations and be able to effectively be outstanding citizens. I care about this because of our ever evolving world. In a time of many misunderstandings, people need to know what is happening and what it all means to the world and to themselves individually. I have also learned more about the topic of freedom when concerning speech and privacy rights. Free speech is not just talking, but anything that can communicate an idea or something. This resounded with me because I did not know that dancing or another form of art could be lawfully or unlawfully accused of being unconstitutional. In the first week of class, not only did I learn many interesting things about my classmates, but I also learned about the strange age of candidacy laws. They were basically random ages that were chosen by the delegates atShow MoreRelatedEssay on Recognizing Same-Sex Marriage1565 Words   |  7 PagesRecognizing Same-Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage is a huge controversy between Americans across the Country. In thirty-three states marriage is defined as a â€Å"union between a man and a woman†. 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